Discover the extra addons of the LogicalDOC App for iOS!

Not everyone knows that the new mobile App was published on the Apple Store some time ago.
This new App has been designed and built for iPhone and iPad devices. Naturally, it allows you to browse the document archive, upload new documents and download existing ones, organize documents in folders, and search for them in the repository.
Furthermore, the new App allows you to create multiple profiles enabling access to various LogicalDOC installations with different users.
However, three fantastic, previously undescribed new features plug into the main application.
These new features are available through three extra paid plugins that can be bought individually or with an all-inclusive subscription.
Let us see them in detail!
Scanning of documents
Using the device's camera (iPad or iPhone), it will be possible to get a document simply by taking photos of its pages. An integrated algorithm automatically straightens the images (auto-skew) to improve the quality. Once the acquisition is completed, a PDF or image format document will be produced and saved in the folder from which the process was started.
Access to photographic information
Each type of document holds metadata, micro-information that can be useful for determining, for example, the conditions in which a specific photo was taken, for example, date, location, camera aperture and shutter speed, and device used. All this (invisible) data is defined in particular fields within the image file in Exchangeable Image File (EXIF or Exif) format. In practice, this plugin can show you the EXIF information of each image file available in the repository in a convenient and integrated way in the application.
Once the plugin has been unlocked, it will be sufficient to select an image file and activate the Image metadata function by pressing the camera icon to display the card with the metadata and spectrometric analysis of the photograph.
For more information on image metadata and EXIF format, refer to this article:
Annotation and editing of documents
This addon allows you to edit existing documents by inserting annotations, underlining and highlighting areas, changing the page order, and rotating pages of a PDF document. Once the modifications have been completed, it will be possible to save an updated version of the file on the document archive.
The new App is available on the Apple Store at the following address: