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LogicalDOC Privacy Policy

version 1.2 By requesting and accepting a remote session from a LogicalDOC Srl representative to remotely assist you with a technical related issue, you accept responsibility for any changes made to the desktop content or system settings. LogicalDOC Srl does not assume and is not responsible for...

Leggi tutto …Remote Support Session Disclaimer (RSSD)

version 1.0 This Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) is a policy governing the use of the LogicalDOC support service under the terms of the LogicalDOC Srl Customer Agreement between LogicalDOC Srl and users of LogicalDOC (“you”). This SLA applies separately to each installation using LogicalDOC. We...

Leggi tutto …Support Service Level Agreement (SSLA)

I prodotti raggiungono la fine del loro ciclo di vita per una serie di motivi. Queste ragioni possono essere dovute alle richieste del mercato, ai problemi di sicurezza, all'innovazione tecnologica e allo sviluppo che guidano i cambiamenti nel prodotto, oppure i prodotti semplicemente maturano...

Leggi tutto …Politica di fine vita di LogicalDOC (EOLP)

LogicalDOC Product Privacy Policy LogicalDOC Website Privacy Policy LogicalDOC Cookie Policy LogicalDOC Delivery Policy Trademark Usage Guidelines LogicalDOC End-User License Agreement (EULA) Politica di Fine Vita di LogicalDOC (EOLP) Support Service Level Agreement (SSLA) Remote...

Leggi tutto …Informazioni Legali

version 1.0 This document describes how we treat your data when using the Google LogicalDOC App. Google Integration Privacy Policy The LogicalDOC product and application is a property of LogicalDOC Srl We at LogicalDOC Srl (“LogicalDOC”, “we,” “us,” or “our”) have created this privacy policy...

Leggi tutto …Google Integration Privacy Policy

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